Hi all, I say all but I dont even know if anyone is reading this. So if you are, thank you! I really truly appreciate it. Anyway, since my last post alot happened. My husband and I separated for a bit. I was not giving him what he needs/wants. In the end we are working things out. Which thank goodness because we have been together for 18 years. I know crazy. We definitely have our ups and downs but are trying to work things out the best we can. I would never date anyone again after my husband. Too much pain.

I am also trying to work on myself. I lost my job in December and have been searching for a new one. It has been really tough. I am trying to create and keep a routine but I find myself being lazy and stuck in bed some days. Some days its just so impossible for me to get out of bed. I am currently reading a book called “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. I know the mind is powerful and can be totally rewired. I have messed up so much in my life and the mistakes I have made eat at me. Some days I wish I wasnt alive anymore just to not deal with everything. My kids wake me up every morning and keep me from doing something horrible. As much as I think about it I would never do that.

On another note, I am patiently waiting for my chickens to lay fertilized eggs so I can hatch more. Last year we did 14 and they are such a cool mix. Dad is a Polish and moms are a bunch of different breeds. We kept 4 from last year and I believe 2 or 3 are freaking roosters. And now one of them will not let our Polish near the Hens. So we may not have babies this year. I am giving my dad a rooster so hopefully things will go back to normal.

Again I am so new to blogging but I hope that my posts resonate with someone. I know I have not gone into great detail with this post but over time I plan on adding more details about my life. Till then xoxo

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